4561_Ask the Lord where he wants you to be a missionary!

4561_Ask the Lord where he wants you to be a missionary!

140th Anniversary of first FMA Missionary Expedition

November 23, 2017

By Sr. Anh Thi, FMA

HCM City, Vietnam, 11 November 2017 -- Involved in the sacred atmosphere of the Institute of Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, on Saturday, November 11th, 2017, FMA Vietnam celebrated the 140thanniversary of the First Missionary Expedition (November 14th, 1877).

This event was celebrated in great joy with the presence of Sr. Nieves Reboso –General Councilor of Formation, Fr. Joseph Do Duc Dung SDB, Sr. Rosa Vu Thi Kim Lien – the Provincial, Salesian sisters, novices, postulants, the girls of vocational formation and some migrant children

From the evening prayer of the previous day, the animators of the provincial missionary committee invited everyone to celebrate the 140thanniversary of the First Missionary Expedition. The history of the Institute in the light of the mission was read so that missionary identity and the passion for “Damihianimas” will be awaken in us. Together with the young, we may become loving songs for God’s glory and for the salvation of souls.

The morning Mass - the culmination of the missionary day, was presided by Fr. Joseph Do Duc Dung, SDB. With his sermon, he led the participants to the central meaning of mission: living the values ​​of the Gospel and willing to transmit these values to everyone in everywhere.

At the end of the Mass was the rite of sending out. All went to the different corners set up in front of the hall to exhibit the “Holy Land” of each community that they tried to approach this past year. The “Holy Land” is a person or a family whom the sisters tried to give a special care either spiritual, religious or material. This was Sr. Rosa, our Provincial’s initiative for this year, the year commemorating 140 years of the first missionary expedition of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. As a result, at the “Holy Land” that the sisters touched, the persons have either become Catholics, or have converted their life to turn back to God. At each place, the sisters stopped to pray, to thank God for the “Holy Land” that they touched, and sowed the seeds as a symbol of future harvest.

After declaring the reasons of the celebration, Sr. Rosa sent to each sister some messages:

“Each of you ask the Lord God where and how He wants you to become a missionary – inter or ad gentes? In your duties performed quietly or in doing sacrifice? With your smiles or your hardship?”

“Continue to respond to the invitation of the General Chapter XXIII: Together with the young be missionaries of joy and hope”

“Live your choice of missionary land in your communities. This work must be joined by all community members”

“Each of you gives daily greetings to those you meet with a Gospel message.”

Following Sr. Rosa's messages was a re-play of the historical context when the first six missionaries of the Institute left for the mission land.

Next, Sr. Maria Nieves Reboso shared her talk on the theme: "Formation in the consecrated life: A path always opens." With all the enthusiasm and experience of formation, she recalled each of us on the identity of the consecrated life: live with Jesus’s attitudes, and try to form ourselves so that we will be similar to Him.

Our hearts vibrated with the melodies of gratitude and happiness from Sr. Nieves’sharings and from every grace we have received.

Thank you Lord for Your Love and Providence; many thanks to the first missionaries, thanks to the sisters who animated this celebration and enkindle the flame of enthusiasm and passion for souls.

May that flame continue to burn in our hearts and light up in our daily lives. May we always actively answer to God’s loving call to continue the ongoing journey of a Daughters Mary Help of Christians becoming more like Jesus, the Good Shepherd and care for those that God has entrusted to our care.