574 GC25 commissions 4 and 5


This is the last of a long run of items from GC25 that piled up over 2 days when I was stuck for a half a day in an airport in the tiny little Kingdom of Tonga - well, the airport is tiny, but the people are reputed to be the biggest people in the world.  It was all in aid of a formation meeting; what we go through for our young men!!

If it's still not too late - A BLESSED EASTER TO ALL.


COMMISSION #4 - 2nd reading

Commission #, the 2nd draft of its document.  The document has a completely new structure and even the name has changed.  The new document is entitled, "The
Salesian Community, the
Privileged Place of animation and formation."  It is 6 pages long and has the following structure:
1.  Introduction
2.  The Call of God
  Situations and Experiences: Positive and Negative
4.  The Community: Place of animation and Formation
a.  Challenges
b.  Working Orientations:  Strategies and Concrete Proposals
  The Rule of animation of the Director
b.  Working Orientations: Strategies and Concrete Proposals

Still to be voted on - that will be after Easter now.


COMMISSION #5 - 2nd reading

Commission #5.  The commission had to re-write the entire document.  One of the basic statements faced by the commission was the theme of the
Salesian community as the "animating nucleus."  They chose to interpret Regulation 5 in this way: "The Salesian community is within the animating
nucleus of the EPC."  It is not the animating nucleus, but forms a part of the nucleus.  The structure of the document is as follows:
1.  The Call of God
2.  The practical situation today
  Challenges and Working Orientations
  The mentality of working with a project
  Qualitative and Quantitative consistency
  Relationship between the Community and the Work
  The Provincial Pastoral and Strategic Plan

This too is yet to be further discussed and voted on - after Easter.


Commission #3 presented its report on "Our Animating Presence Among the Young."  No further comment at this stage.  After Easter!