4501_New Comers in The Family of Catholic Students in Phat Diem, Viet Nam

4501_New Comers in The Family of Catholic Students in Phat Diem, Viet Nam

September 21, 2017

By PD Catholic Students

Phat Diem, Vietnam, 18 September 2017 -- On last Sunday, September 17, the family of Catholic students in Phat Diem officially accepted 70 new members. They had different activities in Phung Khoang Parish, in the North of Vietnam.

To welcome these new comers was Fr. John B. Duong Ngoc Duc, SDB the one in charge all the Catholic students of Phat Diem Diocese. Many old students and graduates also were present in this special day.

These new students are studying in different universities in Ha Noi City, the capital city of Vietnam. Today, the first day they came together to have different activities, all the students decided to wear white polo in order to show about the fresh life, and also about the dynamic of the young.

At 10am, they had a talk given by Fr. John Duong Hoai Duc, SDB about the topic of faith, and desire in life. He emphasized about cultivating faith in order to become witnesses for the love of Jesus Christ. Then he also reminded all the students about having a clear direction, a clear plan for this year.

After that the new comers had a chance to know about the councils of this family, different heads of different areas in Ha Noi. Then they also wrote letter of dream to post on this family notice board as their promise to do and to obtain during this year.

At 10:45am, all of them participated the Holy Eucharist presided by Fr. Duong Hoai Duc, SDB. In his homily, he used the image of the erazer to talk about the forgiveness. In our daily life he said, “each one of us, we need to have a erazer in order to erase our weaknesses. If we use the eraser to erase others’ faults and also to let others to erase our mistakes our lives will be beautiful. So forgiveness is not a slogan but it should be lived in our daily life as Jesus Christ in the Calvary and on the cross he asked his Father to forgive for those who were persecuting him for they didn’t know what they were doing.”

After the Holy Mass, they had musical items and they had lunch together in fraternal atmosphere.