2695 Skate-boarding priest, Hungary
austraLasia #2695

Touch of sun or son of Don Bosco?

HUNGARY: 19 August 2010 -- Footage of a Hungarian priest's skateboarding skill has become a YouTube hit. The Reverend Zoltan Lendvai, 45, believes it helps him spread the Word to young people. Fr Lendvai, not a Salesian of Don Bosco, by the way, lives in Redics, a small village on Hungary's border with Slovenia, is featured in the video, Funny Priest Skateboarding, said a Reuters report.
    The original video has, at the time of writing, drawn more than 180,000 hits. The footage has also been set to music on YouTube. Fr Lendvai says he follows the ways of Saint John Bosco, an Italian priest and educator in the 19th century who dedicated his life to improving the lot of poor youngsters and used games as part of their education, according to the report.
"Many times I have felt that this is the way I can bring many people a bit closer to Jesus," he told Reuters.
    He said three boys aged between 16 and 18 who had never attended church before started coming regularly after he showed them a few skateboard tricks.
    His first board bore the papal coat of arms and he has since given away at least six to his young parishioners.

You can watch it here.
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