486 Two linked websites of interest
Julian Fox
SUVA: 9th June -- Two websites may be of interest to you.  They are linked to each other and deal with the related notions of CONSECRATION and VOCATION.  Both are drawn from the Rector Major's letters last year on these themes, but neither adhere strictly to the content and organization of those letters.  They are, in a general sense, faithful to the content, but with some additions and subtractions - and reorganization of ideas to suit a web presentation.
Both of these sites were prepared for and have been used within the context of a formation community, but you might possible find them helpful in any community situation.  They can be downloaded then reproduced in various ways - a particular page, for instance.  They can even be reconverted to their original format (MS Publisher).
If you are not using html email you won't find the hyperlink in the two words above.  Here are the URL's then for your use: