175 ending the violence begins with our own conversion

Forwarding this as 'australasia' # 175. I think it is well worth a read.

Thanks Tony.

-----Original Message-----

From: Anthony Bailey <mondonio@email.msn.com>

To: RuaLink <mjcsdb@msn.com>

Date: Sunday, April 25, 1999 11:31 PM

Subject: Colombine High School




>Archbishop of Denver

>{This article will appear in the April 28 edition of the Denver Catholic

>Register. Through the courtesy of Archbishop Chaput, permission to


>this article has been granted to CWN and to all other interested parties.}


>He descended into hell.

>Over a lifetime of faith, each of us, as believers, recites those words


>the Creed thousands of times. We may not understand them, but they're

>familiar. They're routine. And then something happens to show us what


>really mean.

>Watching a disaster unfold for your community in the glare of the

>international mass media is terrible and unreal at the same time. Terrible

>in its bloody cost; unreal in its brutal disconnection from daily life.


>impact of what happened this past week in Littleton, however, didn't fully

>strike home in my heart until the morning after the murders, when I visited

>a large prayer gathering of students from Columbine High School, and spent

>time with the families of two of the students who died.

>They taught me something.

>The students who gathered to pray and comfort each other showed me again


>importance of sharing not just our sorrow, but our hope. God created us to

>witness His love to each other, and we draw our life from the friendship,

>the mercy and the kindness we offer to others in pain. The young Columbine

>students I listened to, spoke individually-one by one-of the need to be

>strong, to keep alive hope in the future, and to turn away from violence.

>Despite all their confusion and all their hurt, they would not despair. I

>think I understand why. We're creatures of life. This is the way God made

>us: to assert life in the face of death.

>Even more moving was my time with the families of two students who had been

>murdered. In the midst of their great suffering - a loss I can't imagine -

>the parents radiated a dignity which I will always remember, and a

>confidence that God would somehow care for them and the children they had

>lost, no matter how fierce their pain. This is where words break down.

>This is where you see, up close, that faith - real, living faith-is rooted

>finally not in how smart, or affluent, or successful, or sensitive persons

>are, but in how well they love. Scripture says that "love is as strong as

>death." I know it is stronger. I saw it.

>As time passes, we need to make sense of the Columbine killings. The media

>are already filled with "sound bites" of shock and disbelief;


>sociologists, grief counselors and law enforcement officers-all with their

>theories and plans. God bless them for it. We certainly need help.

>Violence is now pervasive in American society - in our homes, our schools,

>on our streets, in our cars as we drive home from work, in the news media,

>in the rhythms and lyrics of our music, in our novels, films and video

>games. It is so prevalent that we have become largely unconscious of it.

>But, as we discover in places like the hallways of Columbine High, it is

>bitterly, urgently real.

>The causes of this violence are many and complicated: racism, fear,

>selfishness. But in another, deeper sense, the cause is very simple: We're

>losing God, and in losing Him, we're losing ourselves. The complete

>contempt for human life shown by the young killers at Columbine is not an

>accident, or an anomaly, or a freak flaw in our social fabric. It's what


>create when we live a contradiction. We can't systematically kill the

>unborn, the infirm and the condemned prisoners among us; we can't glorify

>brutality in our entertainment; we can't market avarice and greed . . . and

>then hope that somehow our children will help build a culture of life.

>We need to change. But societies only change when families change, and

>families only change when individuals change. Without a conversion to

>humility, non-violence and selflessness in our own hearts, all our talk

>about "ending the violence" may end as pious generalities. It is not


>to speak about reforming our society and community. We need to reform


>Two questions linger in the aftermath of the Littleton tragedy. How could


>good God allow such savagery? And why did this happen to us?

>In regard to the first: God gave us the gift of freedom, and if we are


>we are free to do terrible, as well as marvelous, things . . . And we must

>also live with the results of others' freedom. But God does not abandon us

>in our freedom, or in our suffering. This is the meaning of the cross, the

>meaning of Jesus' life and death, the meaning of He descended into hell.

>God spared His only Son no suffering and no sorrow-so that He would know


>understand and share everything about the human heart. This is how


>He loves us.

>In regard to the second: Why not us? Why should evil be at home in faraway

>places like Kosovo and Sudan, and not find its way to Colorado? The human

>heart is the same everywhere - and so is the One for whom we yearn.

>He descended into hell. The Son of God descended into hell . . . and so

>have we all, over the past few days. But that isn't the end of the story.

>On the third day, He rose again from the dead. Jesus Christ is Lord, "the

>resurrection and the life," and we - His brothers and sisters - are


>of life. When we claim that inheritance, seed it in our hearts, and


>our lives to it, then and only then will the violence in our culture begin

>to be healed.

>In this Easter season and throughout the coming months, I ask you to join


>in praying in a special way for the families who have been affected by the

>Columbine tragedy. But I also ask you to pray that each of us - including

>myself - will experience a deep conversion of heart toward love and

>non-violence in all our relationships with others.






