
SDB General
3375 GC27 - an 'interchap' perspective
3376 Beginning from Rome
3377 Don Bosco's spiritual testament: work and temperance
3378 Work and temperance had its beginnings here
3379 Work and temperance as seen and interpreted by Don Bosco's Successors
3380 Sector and Region Reports
3382 GC27 on Retreat
3383 GC27 due to formally begin!
3384 GC27 due to formally begin!
3385 Syria situation reduces Provincial to tears
3386 Commissions, Stats, Other
3387 Joys and sorrows of a drafting group!
3388 Week one down, many still to go
3391 A potpourri of GC27 items
3392 Fun and Games
3393 Hotting up
3394 Ferrari is in good nick!
3395 The Trend and the Translation
3397 GC27 taking shape
3398 Torrid Tuesday, and a Welcome Wednesday
3399 This end up!
3400 The pyjama game! Just enjoy!
3401 D-Day
3402 "I accept!"
3403 Took a little longer ...
3404 Piece by piece ...
3405 Piece by piece ...
3406 Bringing it together - Regions with 2020 vision
3407 'Thanks - and reconnecting'
3408 'Thanks - and reconnecting' New deacons
3409 Some Regional items
3410 Chapter, Solomons, Pope, Timor ...
3411 Listen!
3412 The Document' in final (almost) shape
3413 A couple of items
3414 Stirring words!
3424 Witness Experience Reflection of GC 27
3474 GC27 unpacked
3475 In Finnegan's wake